Australia’s MyMedicare allows patients to see the same GP and healthcare team | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Australia

Australia’s MyMedicare allows patients to see the same GP and healthcare team

The new voluntary registration formalises the relationship between doctors and patients.

Australia’s healthcare system declared a new voluntary registration system, MyMedicare, that allows a better relationship between patients, their general practice, general practitioner (GP) and primary care teams. 

The healthcare ministry found that seeing the same GP and healthcare team can lead to better health outcomes.

If you have a valid Medicare card or Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Veteran card and have had two face-to-face appointments with the same practice in the last 24 months, you may register in MyMedicare. 

For those residing in rural and remote locations, it is one face-to-face consultation in the last 24 months.

Registering in MyMedicare will tell your practice and your GP that you see them as your regular care team. This will help them give you more of the care and support you need.

Australians who register with their practice in MyMedicare may receive these benefits:

longer MBS-funded telephone consultations, from 1 November 2023
longer bulk billed telehealth consultations for children under 16 and Commonwealth concession cardholders at the new triple bulk billing rate, from 1 November 2023
more regular visits from their GP and better care planning for people living in a Residential Aged Care Home, from August 2024
connections to more appropriate care in general practice for people with chronic conditions who visit hospital frequently, from mid-2024.

To register, you can:

complete the registration process in your Medicare Online Account
ask staff at your practice to start the registration process – you can then complete registration in your Medicare Online Account
fill out a registration form at your regular practice.
Talk to your regular general practice or GP about registering in MyMedicare, or find out more on the MyMedicare website. 

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