Can niche medical firm Acromec thrive in Singapore?
Its stellar 1H15 results bode well for the firm.
The relatively new healthcare firm’s recent results indicate that it will continue to perform well in the future, owing to its pipeline of potential projects and future growth plans.
According to a report by RHB Research, much larger contracts await on the healthcare firm’s horizon.
“The company has managed to strengthen its foothold in the healthcare sector and currently has a tender book of about >SGD200m. Its future potential projects would be much larger in value, and may be individually worth SGD50m-100m,” the report noted.
Meanwhile, RHB Research said Acromec also has the manpower as well as the balance sheet to tender and cope with such large-sized projects.
“Acromec already has a proven track record with various government organisations like A-Star, National University of Singapore and other hospitals – this gives it an advantage and boosts its credibility when tendering for contracts,” the report added.