High chronic diseases on the rise in Hong Kong's ageing population
5 in 10 deaths in 2016 were caused by stroke, cancers, diabetes, and respiratory diseases.
Amidst the growth of an ageing population paired with social changes, changing health risk profiles and globalisation, Hong Kong could get threatened with the rise of non-communicable diseases, Fitch Solutions said.
The firm noted that 55% of registered deaths in the country in 2016 were major NCDs such as stroke, cancers, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases. Moreover, 17% of hospital inpatient discharges and deaths were also related to the four disease groups.
Fitch Solutions thinks that the government has shown its commitment to alleviate the burdens arising from such chronic diseases.
In 2008, the Hong Kong government sealed a comprehensive strategy to prevent and control NCDs and enhance health promotion through a strategic framework armed with a list of overarching principles and strategies for the prevention and control of NCDs. After which, a committee on prevention and control of NCDs was established in late 2008 to deliberate and oversee the overall roadmap and strategy.
In addition, working groups were also initiated to advice on specific priority areas such as unhealthy dietary habits, physical inactivity and obesity.