In Focus
What will drive India's healthcare investments in coming years?
What will drive India's healthcare investments in coming years?
Although the country has the largest youth population, its number of senior citizens are rising.
Strong state commitment boosts Hong Kong's healthcare sector
The government has allocated 15% of its 2021 budget to healthcare.
Singapore to revamp public health subsidy system
The basis for hospital subsidies will be changed to per capita household income.
Further investment urged for Western China's pharma sector
Human rights issues are seen to have discouraged investment in the region.
APAC's healthcare buyouts doubled to 156 deals in 2020
Deals in the biopharma sector tripled during the year.
Stronger R&D focus in sight for Vietnam's pharmas
Most local pharma firms hold the research on new drugs as their predominant strategy.
Malaysia's private hospitals to play bigger role in COVID-19 battle
The government is integrating public and private hospitals as the healthcare system is at its breaking point.
South Korea's biomedical R&D to flourish on state investment
Companies have also made investments in R&D as they shift away from generic drugs.
Singapore emerges as best country in personalised healthcare in APAC
The transition to personalised healthcare is gaining momentum across most of Asia Pacific.
India needs to invest in resilient healthcare information infrastructure: report
Risk communication emerged as the weakest link during the pandemic.
Are India's underfunded hospitals equipped to deal with the pandemic?
The country is unable to raise healthcare expenditure by more than 3.8% of GDP, compared to the APAC average of 6.64%.
Fujitsu, Tokyo Shinagawa to develop AI-supported diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia
The system is expected to deliver early detection of cases, even when the probablity of infection is low.
COVID-19 jumpstarts Indonesia's telehealth industry
The government has quickly made digital health platforms available to address the pandemic.
Telemedicine on the rise in South Korea despite legal barriers
COVID-19 has forced the government to speed up the regulatort infrastructure around telemedicine initiatives.
Singapore researchers develop new COVID-19 test method
The method will speed up the testing procedure by up to four times.
Almost 70% of rare disease patients receiving poor medical attention
Funding for testing and treatment, among others, was cited as the reason behind the inefficiencies across Asia-Pacific.
Check out HKU's remote COVID-19 disease surveillance programme
The data collected through the program could be used to identify patterns for facilitating early detection of the disease.