New data platform accelerates development of healthcare applications to manage world's most critical information | Healthcare Asia Magazine

New data platform accelerates development of healthcare applications to manage world's most critical information

InterSystems IRIS for Health is the world's first and only data platform engineered specifically for healthcare.

InterSystems, a global leader in information technology platforms for health, business, and government applications, announced the launch of InterSystems IRIS for Health, designed to deliver fast and sustainable value to organisations developing data-intensive healthcare applications.

InterSystems IRIS for Health is the world’s first and only data platform specifically engineered to extract value from healthcare data, empowering developers to rapidly create and scale the industry’s next breakthrough applications.

Data is at the heart of the digital transformation sweeping healthcare. As the volume and variety of healthcare data continues to increase, the capacity of human decision making is being challenged. To cope with this dramatic shift, healthcare applications require technology that can unlock the vast potential hidden away in the data. InterSystems IRIS for Health provides that foundation.

InterSystems IRIS for Health is built upon the company’s newest product, InterSystems IRIS Data Platform, which combines transaction processing and analytics with embedded interoperability to offer a fast development platform for building mission-critical applications at scale.

InterSystems IRIS for Health extends the power of the data platform with healthcare-specific capabilities necessary to build today’s real-time connected care solutions. InterSystems IRIS for Health features include:

  • An application framework for rapid development of solutions using Health Level Seven (HL7) Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), including FHIR Server and SMART on FHIR capabilities.
  • Out-of-the-box support for every major U.S. and regional healthcare interoperability standard and certification, including HL7 Versions 2 and 3, Consolidated CDA (C-CDA), Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), X12, NCPDP, DICOM, and others.
  • A normalised and extensible healthcare data model that allows for seamless transitions between standards.

“The explosion of healthcare data has created a dire need for innovations that can help the industry keep pace with payer, provider, and patient expectations,” said Don Woodlock, vice president of HealthShare at InterSystems. “Healthcare needs a foundational data platform that enables cutting-edge applications to rapidly evolve from concept to reality – and that data platform is InterSystems IRIS for Health. We’re helping healthcare developers bring the applications that matter most from whiteboard to production faster than ever before.”

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