KPMG's Chris Hardesty discusses the future of healthcare with the private sector | Healthcare Asia Magazine
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KPMG's Chris Hardesty discusses the future of healthcare with the private sector

Private sector involvement is key to designing and implementing UHC programmes in APAC.

Chris Hardesty is a member of KPMG’s Global Health & Life Sciences Centre of Excellence, having relocated from the UK to Singapore to focus on developments in the APAC region. He joined KPMG from the industry and has had previous postings in Brasil and the US.

Chris holds experience across a variety of markets and project types. His particular passion is driving innovative, safe, and economically viable initiatives in the sector through public-private collaborations.

In an exclusive interview with Healthcare Asia, Hardesty recalls his past and anticipates the future implementation of UHC programmes in APAC.

What were the previous experiences and positions you've held that contributed to who you are as an expert in the healthcare industry today?

When I was a teenager, I suffered a severed spine and am only able to walk today due to the incredible care and medical technology received. Since then, it has been my passion to contribute to the healthcare ecosystem. I know there is much scientific progress that has been made but still more to go, including expanding the accessibility of care to a wider population with unmet needs. With KPMG I have worked in more than 50 countries on health and life sciences-related matters, and in particular around how the public and private sectors can collaborate together to achieve a common UHC ambition. I’ve also been based in a variety of jurisdictions (Brasil, US, Europe, Asia) and have seen the spectrum of health and social systems. Increasingly too I stay involved in the early-stage R&D end of the chain (including digital health) because it could well be the solution to unlock the cost and access dilemma.

What are the most pressing issues that your industry is facing today and how do you address them?

I sit between the healthcare payers/providers and the medical technology companies. Whilst advanced personalised and curative therapies are starting to become a reality, there is a fundamental clash with health system costing amidst an epidemiologic crisis (especially in emerging markets trying to implement UHC programmes). There are some operational things to sort out (e.g., cost of R&D, regulatory approval timelines, process incentives), but there must also be a complete concept shift around “value procurement” for healthcare services and products.

Can you give us a glimpse of what you will share at the 2019 Healthcare Asia Forum - Roadshow Series?

KPMG is involved in the design and implementation of UHC programmes in APAC, though it’s clear that the vision cannot be achieved without the private sector (services and products). I’ll share about the size of the opportunity, where the gaps remain in terms of private sector involvement, and case study examples of those taking a front foot into this new era of health as a basic human right.

The 2019 Healthcare Asia Forum - Roadshow Series will take place on 3, 7 and 17 May in Manila, Jakarta and Bangkok. To learn more about the event, click here. To register, click here. For inquiries, you may contact Andrea at [email protected] or at +65 3158 1386 ext 212.

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