InterSystems releases Novel Coronavirus screening functionality for TrakCare® | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, China

InterSystems releases Novel Coronavirus screening functionality for TrakCare®

Unified healthcare information system provider is quick to respond to help clinicians in China and multiple other countries screen and support patients with 2019-nCov.

InterSystems is releasing global functionality for its TrakCare® unified healthcare information system to screen and support patients with the novel coronavirus infection 2019-nCoV.

The functionality is available to users of the latest editions of TrakCare now, and customers in China and multiple other countries have already begun using it.

The functionality enables clinicians to screen patients for 2019-nCoV, using World Health Organisation (WHO) guidance, and a link to the Wuhan Coronavirus Global Cases tracking app provided by the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering in the US.

Icons will indicate whether screening has been undertaken and the results. There is no generally accepted treatment for 2019-nCoV. However, the WHO is advising hospitals to isolate patients and protect others from infection, and the final element of the new TrakCare functionality will advise clinicians of any steps they should take.

As the number of people worldwide who have been infected with 2019-nCoV continues to rise, governments around the region are taking extraordinary measures to control the virus’s spread.

“InterSystems keeps a close watch on the world’s healthcare requirements, so it can respond to issues that it can help to address in a timely manner,” said Hazem El Oraby, MD, chief medical officer for TrakCare at InterSystems. “We are proud to have deployed this quickly for our users.”

“This is a great example of how TrakCare can be updated in real-time to urgently respond to threats and deployed rapidly to the organisations and clinicians that need it; particularly those using the latest edition of our systems,” El Oraby continued.

“Governments throughout the Asia-Oceania region are taking every precaution to avoid the spread of 2019-nCoV,” said Luciano Brustia, Regional Managing Director, Asia Pacific at InterSystems. “InterSystems stands with our TrakCare customers, providing this functionality to aid in this effort.”

TrakCare is currently deployed in 27 countries around the globe, including China and throughout the Asia-Oceania region. Last week, TrakCare received a Best in KLAS designation for Global Electronic Medical Records in the Asia/Oceania region.

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