Al Futtaim Healths’ HealthHub is model prototype for the future of pandemic management | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Al Futtaim Healths’ HealthHub is model prototype for the future of pandemic management

A COVID-19 field hospital demonstrates responsive and patient-centric care during a time of crisis.

When COVID-19 cases reached an all-time high in Dubai, Al Futtaim Health hit the ground running and established a COVID-19 Field Hospital along with five COVID drive-thru testing centers that were one of the very first to establish drive-through testing concept in the region. The goal was to relieve pressure from the government and the public sector and provide reliable service amidst a pandemic.

Al Futtaim Health’s project became an instant success. The COVID-19 Field Hospital, converted from a hotel that temporarily stopped operations, catered to around 1,600 patients during the height of the pandemic and functioned at full capacity while providing free medical care to staff and dependents. 

Each of the patients received daily assessments to highlight severe cases that needed to be transferred to a hospital or critical care facility. In all the cases at the Field Hospital, 97% made a full recovery, and only 3% of the cases needed critical care. Al Futtaim Health offered 24/7 access to their medical response team, with physicians working round-the-clock. This way, if a patient requested for support, their needs could be met immediately. 

To truly be of support to the government, Al Futtaim Health liaised and worked closely with the Dubai Health Authority. They focused on early identification of infection, isolation, quarantine, and treatment of every patient. With the help of a contact tracer, the curve flattened, and the infection rate was reduced.

“As a healthcare provider, we know that we play a crucial role in public health and in ensuring everyone’s safety amidst a pandemic such as COVID-19. We are committed to designing the most efficient, patient-centric solutions in fighting the pandemic. We didn’t stop at Covid-19 testing and the field hospital only but extend to include offering free of charge Covid-19 vaccination services to the public in collaboration with Dubai Health Authority.” Dr. Haidar Al Yousuf (Managing Director- Al Futtaim Healthcare)

Not only does Al Futtaim Group put its customers including patients first, but it also prioritizes the mental and emotional well-being of its frontline workers. The frontliners are not able to be with their families for long stretches of time and this often results in greater feelings of loneliness and uncertainty. Al Futtaim Health hired a clinical psychologist to provide support to the group workforce and help them cope with the pressures and emotions. Staff also have access to good food and nutrition so they can perform their work well and enjoy their short breaks.

For its achievements as part of the United Arab Emirates’ COVID-19 response, Al Futtaim’s HealthHub clinched three trophies at the Healthcare Asia Awards 2021: 

  • Corporate Social Responsibility of the Year - United Arab Emirates, 
  • Secondary Hospital of the Year - United Arab Emirates, and 
  • COVID Management Initiative of the Year - United Arab Emirates. 


Hear from the team's managing director, Dr. Haidar Al Yousuf as he talks about how Al Futtaim Health took a step in administering the Covid situation by putting up HealthHub's Covid Field Hospital, establishing Covid Drive-Thru testing centers and other patient care campaigns to sustain their immediate medical needs.

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