Sri Kota snags Healthcare Asia Award for Facilities Improvement of the Year | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Sri Kota snags Healthcare Asia Award for Facilities Improvement of the Year

Their many technological firsts, including their newest MRI machine, prove their commitment to providing quality healthcare service to their patients.

Ever since they started operations in September 1999, Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre has achieved many "firsts" in surgery, such as being the first medical centre in Asia to perform minimally invasive spine surgery (XLIF); the first medical centre in Klang to perform Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (CABG), and the first private medical centre in Klang to conduct endoscopic spine surgery.

With its core disciplines involving the spine, heart, hand and microsurgery and cancer care, it is also one of the leading teams that specialises in minimally invasive endoscopic spinal surgery in Malaysia. This procedure is available only at a handful of other medical centres in the country today.

This drive to be the best in their field stems from their commitment to deliver affordable, high-quality patient-centred healthcare and healing to the communities they serve. Sri Kota was born out of the vision to provide premium medical care in Klang and its vicinity. This vision was finalised in April 1997 with the laying of the foundation stone by the then Honourable Minister of Health, Yang Berhormat Dato’ Chua Jui Meng.

Today, it stands as a nine-storey high, 232-bed Tertiary Private Hospital equipped with modern facilities situated in the heart of Klang town, Selangor.

Not wanting to rest on its laurels, Sri Kota yet embarked on another mission to maintain their excellence in patient care through the latest technologies, this time with its MRI machine located at their Radiology Department.

The hospital's 12-year old Siemens Magnetom Avanto SQ MRI machine needed to be upgraded after 12 years of operation. Considered the most advanced MRI machine in Klang back in 2009, Sri Kota decided to upgrade the machine by replacing it with a newer model.

After thorough deliberation, the company chose GE Healthcare as the supplier for the new MRI machine. The model selected was the Signa Voyager with 1.5 Tesla and a bore size of 70cm in diameter. Its total cost, together with the cost of installation and renovation of the MRI room was RM5,470,000.

Compared to the older model, the newer version has a larger bore size that allows it to cater to a wider range of patients. It also provides a more comfortable experience, especially for those who suffer from claustrophobia.

The state-of-the-art MRI machine also comes with more advanced features that will change their patients’ views on MRI scans. Not only is it designed to maximise productivity and workflow, but it also delivers extraordinary clinical potential and exceptional patient comfort. The machine only requires a shorter scan time and dramatically reduces the in-sound pressure levels. Moreover, its In-Bore MRI Cinema system helps deliver an HD cinematic entertainment experience throughout the scanning period.

All these advanced features make it the most advanced MRI system available in Klang today—another feather in the cap for Sri Kota, and one that deserves the Facilities Improvement Initiative of the Year award from Healthcare Asia.

Today, Sri Kota Specialist Medical Centre continues its vision to be the most accessible and preferred community medical centre founded on holistic treatments and healthcare excellence. It has completed the third cycle of accreditation and received a full four years accreditation for MSQH 5th Edition Standards. The MSQH accreditation represents an important milestone for Sri Kota and is a testament to Sri Kota’s commitment to delivering ongoing quality healthcare service to its patients and ensuring patient’s safety and satisfaction.


Hear from the hospital director, Madam Tan Suet Guan as she talks about the much improved Radiology Department of Sri Kota with their newly innovated MRI machines and equipment to provide excellent and advanced health care services to a wider range of patients in Malaysia.

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