RadLink wins Healthcare Asia’s Diagnostics Provider of the Year 2021 | Healthcare Asia Magazine

RadLink wins Healthcare Asia’s Diagnostics Provider of the Year 2021

RadLink Asia Pte Ltd demonstrated excellence and innovativeness in leading Singapore’s private diagnostic and molecular imaging services.

When it comes to raising the standards in the area of diagnostic imaging services, RadLink takes pride in many firsts: They were the first to offer the first-ever fully digital PET and CT scanner, Discovery MI, in the ASEAN Region. They were also the pioneers to use the first-ever SIGNA Explorer MRI in the same region, which provides maximum patient comfort through Silent Scan, a noise reduction feature that scans at less than 3 decibels above ambient and enhanced motion-free imaging.

Their dedication to providing consistent, quality outpatient imaging services has paid off in their 21 years of serving their patients. Today, the healthcare company is Singapore’s leading private diagnostic and molecular imaging service provider, comprising six Diagnostic Imaging centres, one PET centre, and a Cyclotron facility. RadLink is also the country's largest provider of multi-service radiology and teleradiology services. 

They are the recipients of the Healthcare Asia's Diagnostics Provider of the Year (Singapore) award this 2021. 

Founded in 2000, RadLink provides radiology services to its referring doctors and patients with the highest quality of care, using state-of-the-art equipment in a comfortable setting. It focuses on providing compassionate and personalised care to every patient while minimising the anxiety one often encounters when visiting a medical facility. 

RadLink believes that quality and compassionate care should go hand-in-hand. Together with a team of professional Radiologists, highly-trained Nurses and Radiographers, they aim to provide the utmost patient comfort. As a dedicated outpatient center, RadLink offers affordable pricing on imaging examinations. 

RadLink’s diagnostic imaging services include X-ray, Ultrasound, Mammography, Fluoroscopy, Bone Mineral Densitometry, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (“MRI”), and Computed Tomography (“CT”) scans. RadLink also provides molecular imaging services such as Positron Emission Tomography (“PET”) and radionuclide therapy for oncology and bone diseases. 

The team of radiologists at RadLink are board-certified, fellowship-trained in subspecialties including oncology, neuroradiology (adult & pediatric), breast radiology, musculoskeletal, women, and body imaging. RadLink’s advanced IT workflow management system supports multi-site worklist and reporting integration to allow maximum productivity by providing greater workflow efficiency. 

RadLink partners with world-renowned diagnostic equipment manufacturers to launch cutting-edge and advanced diagnostic technology, such as the Vizamyl scan, a breakthrough making it possible for early detection of Alzheimer's Disease, cementing RadLink as a leader in Singapore’s radiopharmaceutical and molecular imaging sector. 


Hear from Radlink's managing director, Dr. Eng Chee Way as he talks about leading the country’s diagnostic imaging services as they provide their renowned radiology service and high quality care with their state of the art diagnostic imaging machines to their patients at a very affordable cost.

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