Sunway Medical Centre Velocity clinches 3 accolades at the Healthcare Asia Awards | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Sunway Medical Centre Velocity clinches 3 accolades at the Healthcare Asia Awards

The hospital deployed various health promotion strategies and digitalised their processes for better accessibility and patient experience.

Sunway Medical Centre Velocity (SMCV) was recently recognised for their efforts in healthcare with triple wins at the Healthcare Asia Awards, emerging the winner for Health Promotion Initiative of the Year – Malaysia, ICT Initiative of the Year – Malaysia and Smart hospital Initiative of the Year – Malaysia. 

Seeking to honour hospitals and clinics that have made a remarkable impact on their patients amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, the winners of the Healthcare Asia Awards are awarded based on their trailblazing initiatives in the sector by an esteemed panel of judges from global healthcare segments. 

Derrick Chan, Chief Executive Officer of SMCV acknowledges the hard work put in by the entire team in the hospital in putting the wellbeing of their patients first, even in such challenging times. 

“The whole world was disrupted by the advent of the pandemic, and the healthcare industry had to immediately adapt and act on a relatively unknown situation that lay before us. We knew it would be up to us to innovate and provide services that the community needed most – and more importantly, more accessible in this time of need. These accolades are testament to the hard work of the entire team at SMCV as we push through these unpredictable times, and we will continue to work towards making quality healthcare a viable option for all our patients to enrich their lives,” he says.  

Sharing the right information at the right time

Recognising the need for reliable information in the midst of public uncertainty during the pandemic, SMCV as a healthcare provider took on the responsibility to share accurate, educational and relevant information to the public, which led to their winning of the Health Promotion Initiative of the Year. 

To reach a wider audience, SMCV distributed relevant Covid-19 education articles and media releases to traditional and online media. To allay the concerns and fears of the public surrounding the pandemic, SMCV took a creative approach to discuss how something as simple as adequate sleep can improve one’s immunity in the battle against the virus, garnering a sizeable amount of coverage. Other articles distributed also focused on SMCV’s teleconsultation services, mental and physical health during the nation’s lockdown periods. 

The 17-part ‘Daily Dose’ video series by SMCV was also instrumental in providing counsel and advice to individuals suffering from mental and physical ailments during the Movement Control Order (MCO), as well as a total of 37 webinars held for various stakeholders in SMCV.

The hospital also implemented other critical health promotion components such as 1,300 free consultations, tests and comprehensive health packages at attractive rates during its first anniversary campaign, ‘SMCV Gives KawKaw’. Other initiatives included a CSR programme sponsoring a child suffering from squint with correctional surgery, as well as a risk communication research conducted among healthcare workers in SMCV to provide reference for the government and contributed to the knowledge of risk communication in Malaysia healthcare system.

Digitalising healthcare for the future of the industry 

SMCV is the first private hospital in Malaysia to have its vital sign medical devices completely connected to an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) throughout the entire hospital. This was achieved by integrating the hospital’s vital sign machine (Go Live 2020) with the Hospital Information System (HIS).

This initiative resulted in their winning of ICT Initiative of the Year, and was carried out to ensure greater accuracy in measuring, reading and transcribing patient vital signs into their respective medical records. With the introduction of this digital method developed with Mindray, nurses simply have to measure the patients’ vital signs and scan their corresponding barcodes to immediately record the data in the EMR system, leaving little room for error and improving the workflow for the nurses and staff – saving up to 1,200 hours yearly in daily tasks. 

As an EMR-enabled hospital, SMCV looks towards becoming one of the first smart hospitals in Malaysia by enhancing the infrastructure, processes and digital literacy throughout the hospital. Besides the vital sign machine integration, SMCV has also embarked on other digital-led initiatives such as the SMCV SunMed Go, a patient mobile application, QR Auto patient registration and E-billing projects. 

This resulted in 108 teleconsultation appointments scheduled, totaling up to 3,840 minutes, an uptake of 2,382 patients using the pre-registration function and 6,841 using the auto registration function and SMCV connecting to three leading insurance providers for greater patient convenience. 

In moving forward with the digital age of healthcare, SMCV will continue to innovate and implement digital tools to allow greater system interoperability, accuracy and efficiency for the benefit of their patients and community in Malaysia.  

Sunway Medical Centre Velocity is located at Lingkaran SV, Sunway Velocity. For enquiries, please contact +603 9772 9191 or email [email protected]. For more information on Sunway Medical Centre Velocity, visit (Facebook: Sunway Medical Velocity).


Hear from their chief executive officer, Derrick Chan Kum Keong, as he talks about the how medical centre continues to roll out promotions and digital strategies that ensure the safety and welfare of their patients and healthcare workers coming in the hospital during this unprecedented times

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