Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences Ltd, (Aster MIMS) wins Hospital of the Year at  HCA Awards 2021  | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, India

Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences Ltd, (Aster MIMS) wins Hospital of the Year at  HCA Awards 2021 

Aster MIMS has incorporated advanced technology in their diagnostics and treatment armamentarium.

The Aster Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences (MIMS) started as a 150-bedded multispeciality hospital in 2000, has grown to a quaternary hospital catering to people in a wide area of North Malabar and referrals from the gulf Countries. After 19 years, it has become the flagship hospital of DM Health world and has attained a respectable position in the town of Kozhikode and Malabar area.

With a commitment to give the best care at affordable rates, Aster MIMS has incorporated advanced technology in their diagnostics and treatment armamentarium. Now, the 600–bedded hospital is the leading healthcare system in Kerala, assuring comprehensive health care services that meet global standards. 

Aster MIMS is known for its excellent Medical expertise, Nursing care, Level IV Trauma Care, Advanced Interventional Radiology, Sophisticated intensive care facilities, blood bank, and much more. It is fully equipped with the latest technological brilliance aiding in complete and comprehensive treatment of patients. Being a Centre of Excellence, Aster MIMS provides advanced diagnostic and treatment facilities in the field of Cardiology, Oncology, Nephrology, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, and Neurosciences. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected India, and Aster MIMS rose to the challenge by being one of the first ICMR approved RT-PCR testing centers in the State of Kerala’s private sector. The hospital was also the first of the private hospitals to have the opportunity to treat COVID patients with specific isolated two wards, OT, and an ICU dedicated to treat positive cases to ensure safety and well-being of their non-covid patients and staff. At the end of 2020, Aster MIMS has catered to almost 1,780 positive cases, of which 1,667 patients were successfully discharged. 

Despite the crisis, Aster MIMS saw their clinical excellence beyond par in 2020. Their Neurosurgery team successfully performed total endovascular revision of blocked ventricular atrial shunt (considered first of its kind in India. India’s second and South India’s first 4-way kidney swap transplant was also successfully completed.

The hospital also conducted Kerala’s first complex spine surgery using 3D printed patient-specific surgical guides. Other notable procedures include the use of Gene therapy, Zolgensma, a novel therapy for spinal muscular atrophy to a 23 month baby with spinal muscular atrophy type 2 was also performed in Aster MIMs successfully. Total Talus Replacement was done for the second time in India and 100 liver transplant surgeries were completed for the first time in North Kerala at Aster MIMS Hospital in Calicut in 2020. Moreover, the year also marked numerous transplants, which include 76 kidney and 40 liver transplants.

The hospital also had the opportunity to treat a Keralite youth from the UK who was transferred via chartered flight for Aster MIMS’ care and treatment during global lockdown. Aster MIMS Hospital, Calicut were the first responders to provide medical aid and treatment to Air India Express crash victims in this pandemic, and 43 quarantine victims got treated and discharged in stable condition from the hospital.


Hear from hospital's chief of medical services, Dr. Abraham Mammen as talks about the hospital's milestone in 2020, a very challenging year to all industries, particularly in healthcare, and how they have achieve a clinical excellence in Kerala amidst pandemic.

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