Guardant Health AMEA wins the Oncology Product Innovation of the Year at Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards 2021 | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Guardant Health AMEA wins the Oncology Product Innovation of the Year at Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards 2021

It was recognised with its breakthrough liquid biopsy test, the Guardant360 ®.

Guardant Health Asia, Middle East & Africa (AMEA) has won the Oncology Product Innovation of the Year at the Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards 2021. Its breakthrough liquid biopsy test, the Guardant360®, helps guide treatment decisions for patients with advanced stage cancer in 41 countries across AMEA. 

We are absolutely delighted to receive this innovation award from Healthcare Asia. Constantly improving our liquid biopsy technology and proactively looking for new ways to best serve our cancer patients are at the heart of everything we do. Time to treatment is crucial and our tests short turnaround time of seven days upon blood sample receipt in the laboratory is very useful for cancer patients in matching them to appropriate treatment quickly, said Simranjit Singh, Chief Executive Officer of Guardant Health AMEA.  

In August last year, Guardant Health's Guardant360® CDx became the first liquid biopsy to receive approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for comprehensive tumor mutation profiling across all solid cancers. Guardant Health AMEA has also recently submitted their liquid biopsy for regulatory approval in Japan. With the increasing number of approved targeted therapies by the FDA, the need for comprehensive genomic profiling is becoming an integral part of treatment selection.

Guardant Health AMEA has been hosting webinars to facilitate peer-to-peer education with leading oncologists sharing their patient cases using the Guardant360 test. Having successfully led 18 webinars in 2020, Guardant Health AMEA shared best practices in the liquid biopsy space with hundreds of medical oncologists in AMEA who attended these webinars. Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits were offered at these webinars by working with medical oncology societies in the region. 

In efforts to help this vulnerable group of cancer patients during this COVID-19 pandemic, Guardant Health AMEA has begun offering mobile phlebotomy services. This is a welcomed initiative from the patients who find it difficult to travel to hospitals to get tested or get invasive tissue biopsies done. 

Guardant Health AMEAs patient-centric approach is what drives the company to constantly innovate and do their part in helping cancer patients in AMEA. This drive is further fuelled by their desire to excel in their field, one that Healthcare Asia honours by endowing them this award.


Hear from Simranjit Singh, CEO of Guardant Health AMEA, as he discusses the first FDA-approved liquid biopsy and how it became a gamechanger in the healthcare industry with its promise of getting quick and accurate results.

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