EMC, Intersystems partner up for patient data digitalisation | Healthcare Asia Magazine

EMC, Intersystems partner up for patient data digitalisation

Their unified healthcare information system will be used across six hospitals.

Indonesia's EMC Healthcare Group selects Singapore's InterSystems as a partner to digitalise its healthcare information across six hospitals for advanced clinical decision support, patient engagement, and digital transformation.

InterSystems and EMC will implement the InterSystems TrakCare unified healthcare information system as the first step in the group's digital transformation. TrakCare will enable world-class patient care and experience with a single, electronic medical record (EMR) system. With this, EMC will gain the ability to adopt new, digitally supported models of care. For example, patients could continue to be treated in their homes for chronic medical conditions with remote monitoring devices connected to the TrakCare EMR system. This could reduce hospital visits and improve the convenience of medical treatments whilst maintaining the clinicians' involvement. Utilising the TrakCare Personal Community patient engagement solution, patients, and their families or carers will be able to access medical records, make appointments online, and take part in the care process.

"The future of healthcare is digital," said EMC Healthcare CEO Jusup Halimi. "Whether speeding up the patient’s journey, enabling treatment at home, or using the latest medical equipment and AI tools, data is central. That is why we are partnering with InterSystems, a global provider of advanced digital health technology, and transforming our hospital group."

According to InterSystems Asia Pacific regional managing director Luciano Brustia, EMC Healthcare took a giant leap forward by becoming a digital hospital group, using next-generation digital healthcare technology to ensure Indonesians can receive the highest standards of care with a strong focus on a personalized patient experience.

"We are very excited to be working in a true partnership with EMC Healthcare," added Brustia. "Success in digital health requires trust and commitment. You can’t do it with just a few technology people. Everyone, from the boards down to the staff on the wards, needs to work together as one team."

The partnership with InterSystems will also support EMC's continued business expansion. With a single system, EMC can quickly deploy TrakCare at new hospitals to access shared medical records. For example, new facilities will be able to quickly meet government reporting requirements and integrate with social healthcare insurance systems.

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