University of Hong Kong, Sinopharm launch trial of Omicron-targeting vaccine | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Hong Kong
HKU medical research team starts large-scale clinical trial on a new COVID-19 inactivated vaccine (Omicron variant) developed by China National Biotec Group (Sinopharm)

University of Hong Kong, Sinopharm launch trial of Omicron-targeting vaccine

A total of 1,800 adult volunteers will be needed for the trial. 

The University of Hong Kong (KHU) has launched its clinical trial on a new COVID-19 inactivated vaccine developed by Sinopharm targeted to protect individuals against the Omicron variant.

The study will be led by Professor Ivan Hung, Chief of Division of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Professor of Department of Medicine, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKUMed), with the coordination and technical support of HKU Clinical Trials Centre (HKU-CTC).

A total of 1,800 adult volunteers who have already received two or three doses of inactivated or mRNA COVID-19 vaccines will be recruited to take part in the study. 

Of the 1,800 volunteers, half would be those who have received two or three doses of COVID-19 inactivated vaccine, and the other half are those who have received two or three doses of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. 

"They will be further assigned randomly into three groups, with one group receiving the original strain vaccine, and the other two groups receiving Omicron-targeting vaccines produced by two different manufacturing plants respectively," HKU said.

" Each volunteer will receive two vaccine doses at a 28-day interval. Volunteers will need to return to the centre for blood taking and follow-up during a one-year period," HKU added.

Trial volunteers will also be granted a “Provisional Vaccine Pass” recognized by the Hong Kong government to allow them to enter or remain on premises subject to the “Vaccine Pass” requirement.

Those who wish to volunteers in the study can register at

The trial will take place at the community vaccination centre located at Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park Sports Centre in Sai Ying Pun.

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