Johns Hopkins Singapore CEO to give thoughts about Singapore’s weakening med tourism appeal | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Singapore

Johns Hopkins Singapore CEO to give thoughts about Singapore’s weakening med tourism appeal

Lawrence Patrick has 20 years of healthcare experience under his belt.

Working nearly two decades in the private, public, and academic healthcare sectors, including 15 years in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, Lawrence Patrick has expanded the medical mission of excellence in medical education, research and clinical care in Johns Hopkins.

Also concurrently the managing director of Johns Hopkins Medicine International, Patrick provides guidance and oversight to subsidiaries spread across Asia, with a portfolio which features the management of a Johns Hopkins Medicine International affiliation, Tokyo Midtown Medicine, that brings multi-specialty ambulatory services to patients of central Tokyo.

A holder of a bachelor’s degree in economics as well as a master’s in health administration, Patrick is also an active member of several boards of corporate and philanthropic organisations.

Lawrence is part of the panel that will talk about how Singapore is slowly losing its medical tourism appeal at the Singapore leg of the upcoming inaugural Healthcare Asia Forum 2016 on May 12. The Jakarta leg of the forum will be happening this April 28.

Here’s more about Lawrence:

HCA: What are your previous experiences and positions held that contributed to who you are today as a healthcare practitioner?

I am currently the Managing Director for Asia at Johns Hopkins International, and I am also a board member of corporate and philanthropic organizations. I have also held executive roles in Asia and the Middle East (Japan/Singapore/UAE).

HCA: What are your key healthcare philosophies and ideologies?

Leadership with constancy of purpose not only at the strategic level but throughout the organization is critical to the success of the organization. Healthcare transformation is the focus of most leadership objectives currently and for the foreseeable future. This will pose challenges to us all as we work toward providing better access, higher quality, lower cost care that is patient focused and propelled by collaborative learning.

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