Here are the divergent strategies healthcare firms are adopting in the Asian healthcare landscape | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Singapore

Here are the divergent strategies healthcare firms are adopting in the Asian healthcare landscape

Firms in large markets are focusing domestically.

A one-size-fits-all approach will not cut it anymore in the diverse Asian healthcare market, and analysts say firms are diverging into two broad strategies.

According to a report by BMI Research, for companies based in large emerging markets such as Indonesia and China, the focus will be on serving the needs of their domestic market.

“Siloam International Hospital represents a key example of this group as it implements an aggressive expansion programme across the Indonesian archipelago,” the report noted.

The report says this wide reach synergises with the firm's plan to participate in the country's universal healthcare programme, driving patient volume growth.

Meanwhile, Mitra Keluarga is similarly focused on the Indonesian healthcare market, the report added

“However, instead of focusing on volumes, the company looks to cater to a smaller but more affluent segment of the population to generate higher profit margins. In line with this strategy,

Mitra Keluarga's has positioned eight of its 12 hospitals in the more developed Greater Jakarta region,” the report said.

On the other hand, other private healthcare providers aim to focus on developing a strong regional presence.

“First with their position in the hubs of Singapore and Malaysia, these companies will leverage the ongoing trend of medical tourism within the Asia region,” the report said.

For instance, Raffles Medical Group has regional representative offices in Bangladesh, Vietnam, Myanmar and Indonesia.

“The Singapore-based firm also noted in July 2016 that new healthcare memberships are being offered to its clients in China. At the same time, this group of private healthcare providers will continue to establish facilities across the region,” the report said.

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