Singapore emerges as the healthiest place to live in the world
It shared the top spot with two other countries.
Singapore is amongst the healthiest place to live in the world along with Iceland and Sweden, according to figures from the United Nations.
The three countries cliched the top spot after scoring the maximum points of 85 on indicators such as disaster, war, water, sanitation, malaria and neglected tropical diseases.
The figures were based on an evaluation of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Otherwise known as the Global Goals, these are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.
Out of the 188 countries in the list, the next seven highest scoring Asian countries were Japan (76), Taiwan (74), South Korea (73), Malaysia (69), Sri Lanka (62), Indonesia and China (both 60), all scoring above the global median of 59.3.
The lowest scoring Asian countries were India (42), Pakistan (38), Bangladesh (38) and Nepal (36), while the poorest performer worldwide was the Central Africa Republic which had a score of 20.