Find out what the challenges are in transforming nursing care | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Singapore

Find out what the challenges are in transforming nursing care

Get to know the trends in nursing leadership.

TalentGrid Ventures is proud to announce the inaugural Transforming Nursing Care Conference, taking place in Singapore on 17 and 18 March 2017. With our thriving Innovating Care Asia Pacific series launched in July 2016 and hugely successful launch of Innovating Care Elderly & Home Care in November 2016, Innovating Care Transforming Nursing Care has been developed to provide a forum dedicated to nurses, health workers and innovators who are working together to bring about transformation in the nursing care industry.

Healthcare delivery and methodologies are changing, driven largely by a rapidly ageing population. To adapt to these changes, health workers including nurses need innovative tools and solutions. In many cases, nurses have gone beyond the role of caregivers to become key integrators and efficiency experts who are redesigning the patient experience. 

Understanding the unique challenges that nursing professionals are faced with when working in hospitals, nursing homes and other care environments is key to ensuring that critical care is effectively, efficiently and comprehensively delivered.

The Innovating Care Transforming Nursing Care conference will be focusing on opening important discussions and driving thought leadership across the areas of nursing leadership, promotion of nursing knowledge and nursing care innovation that can enhance coordination of patient care, improve clinical outcomes, increase patient satisfaction and improve physician collaboration.

Complementing the conference will be an exhibition providing an opportunity for medical professionals, vendors, students and industry players to come together to discuss the challenges and potential of this sector, with both international and local industry showcasing the latest nursing trends and developments.

The intensive two-day Transforming Nursing Care conference programme was developed in collaboration with the event Advisory Committee composed of Ms Shirley Heng (Committee Chairperson) - Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Professor Sylvia YK Fung – Tung Wah College, Dr Tan Yung Ming – IBM Watson Health, A/Professor Kylie Ward – Australian College of Nursing and Mr Yap Soon Ghee – Singapore General Hospital.

“We look forward to bringing together leaders and passionate nursing and healthcare professionals to forge and strengthen partnerships in designing technology and processes which will bring value to our patients and healthcare consumers,” according to Ms Shirley Heng, Advisory Committee chairperson.

Innovating Care Transforming Nursing Care Conference is expected to attract 150 attendees from Singapore and around the Asia Pacific region. For more information about conference, or to enquire about sponsorship and exhibition, or to register for the event, please visit .

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