Healthcare Asia Forum 2017 commences its 3-city roadshow in Manila | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Philippines

Healthcare Asia Forum 2017 commences its 3-city roadshow in Manila

It was attended by around 60 healthcare industry players from the Philippines.

The second year of the Healthcare Asia Forum commenced its 3-city roadshow in Manila last February 16, welcoming around 60 key executives and players in the Philippine healthcare industry to tackle pressing issues concerning the industry.

Kicking off the program was Elvira Dayrit, Director for Health Human Resources Bureau of the Department of Health, who discussed the Philippine masterplan in strengthening the manpower in the health industry. She was later joined by a panel consisting of Cardinal Santos Medical Center Vice-President & Chief Information Officer Allan Bacallan and St. Luke's Medical Center Head of Hospital Operations & Chief Nursing Officer Annabelle Borromeo as they discussed the possible solutions in curing the dearth of doctors in the country.

Bacallan also presented his study on leveraging hospital information system for business and clinical analytics. He pointed out the jewels of information that can be gathered and mined from these data and how this innovation goes beyond just the capture of finance reporting data. Borromeo connected the said topic in her own presentation on innovations. She discussed the theoretical background on innovations as well as its functions in a business setting.

Meanwhile, another panel discussion examined how financing the healthcare system has been a problem especially in government and public hospitals, which are prone to sacrificing quality care to lower operation costs. Cardinal Santos Medical Center Chief Financial Officer Elizabeth Dantes, Philippine Hospital Association President Jesus Jardin, and Philippine Heart Center Executive Director Gerardo Manzo sat on the panel to debate on the topic.

The second leg of the Healthcare Asia Forum 2017 will be held in Bangkok, Thailand on March 16. Click this link to know how to participate in the event.

Stay tuned for the full and comprehensive event coverage which will be published in the Healthcare Asia online website.

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