Leading innovators to kick off BioPharma Asia Convention 2017 in Singapore | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Singapore

Leading innovators to kick off BioPharma Asia Convention 2017 in Singapore

It will be on March 22, 2017.

Some of the industry’s leading innovators including Prenetics, Fenbushi Venture Capital, and Human Longevity will be leading the opening keynote plenary sessions in the BioPharma Asia Convention 2017 this coming March 22, 2017, at the Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore.

With the key theme “How Digital Transformation is Changing Asia’s Biopharma Landscape”, the opening event will feature three keynote sessions tackling current issues and trends the biopharma sector is facing.

Here’s what you need to know about each keynote session:

KEYNOTE SESSION 1: The future of healthcare: Genomics and its impact on patients, pharma, physicians and regulators
: Danny Yeung, CEO, Prenetics, Founding Partner, SXE Venture

In the digital age, with technology changing so rapidly, how can we make sure that we are prepared for the future? This exciting opening address for BioPharma Asia 2017 will explore the most exciting trends, ideas and technologies driving the future of our industry, including practical advice on how you can brace your business for the times ahead.

KEYNOTE SESSION 2: Blockchain meets Biopharma: How to prepare for the global data evolution
Vitalik Buterin, Co-Founder Ethereum, General Partner, Fenbushi Venture Capital

When you hear blockchain, you don’t necessarily think biopharmaceuticals. But the applications of blockchain can do so much more than digital currency. For example, it can help to increase the efficiency of the drug development process, by providing better security and transparency. It allows you to indelibly record medicinal and genomic data to combat counterfeit pharmaceutical production and protect intellectual property. That’s just a few applications. Join us as we uncover more and also consider some of the potential challenges that could be created, for example, around compliance and privacy.

KEYNOTE SESSION 3: Redesigning healthcare system with genomics, technology driven drug discovery
Speaker: Suzanne Brewerton, Group Leader of Bioinformatics, Human Longevity, Singapore

Advances in next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies over the last decade are beginning to have an impact on the amount and depth of sequencing data available to researchers in the pharmaceutical industry. In target identification and validation, the availability of human genetic data to link the target to the disease can mean the difference between success and failure in phase II clinical trials. In this presentation, various techniques and drug discovery platforms will be discussed to help companies in improving the efficiency of drug delivery products to drive the pharma industry towards the goal of personalised medicine.

Meanwhile, around 130 other pharma leaders are confirmed to speak at BioPharma Asia Convention 2017 across 5 conferences

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