Why you shouldn't miss 2017 Healthcare Asia's Leadership Roundtable | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Thailand

Why you shouldn't miss 2017 Healthcare Asia's Leadership Roundtable

Thought leaders from 7 hospitals will be converging in one roundtable.

The second leg of the Healthcare Asia's 3-city road show will be held on March 16 at the Conrad Bangkok (Hong Kong Room, 2nd Level).

The discussion will be divided into two parts and will be led by Healthcare Asia's publisher, Tim Charlton. Part I of the discussion will tackle the tug of war between rising costs and uneven quality of healthcare delivery. What measures are currently in place amongst healthcare players and hospitals to keep costs down while keeping a high value on patient care? What obstacles do these leaders foresee both on healthcare players and patients? How do they see these trends developing in the next 3 to 5 years?

The second part will delve into Thailand's aggressive bid to boost medical tourism. How do these leaders see Thailand's new visa scheme (extended stay visa for foreigners aged 50 and above from one to 10 years) playing out in the next 3 to 5 years? What challenges do they foresee the country will encounter in boosting med tourism via this new policy? What are the downsides to it that Thailand should be wary about?

All these and more will be fleshed out at the roundtable which will be participated in by representatives from the following hospitals and healthcare institutions:

  • Vejthani Hospital
  • Rutnin Eye Hospital
  • Piyavate Hospital
  • Bumrungrad International Hospital
  • StemCells21
  • Paolo Memorial Hospital
  • Phyathai International Hospital
  • Samitivej Children Hospital

If you are interested to attend, you may contact Nikki Quiniquini at [email protected] or at +65 3158 1386 ext 238.

More information about the event can be found here.



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