Find out what transpired at the 2nd Icons of Healthcare Summit | Healthcare Asia Magazine
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Find out what transpired at the 2nd Icons of Healthcare Summit

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The 2nd Icons of Healthcare Summit – a pan Asia forum deliberating the challenges in healthcare delivery and celebrating excellence by BERG Singapore was hosted in Singapore on July 21, amidst the presence of medical professionals, healthcare providers and medtech experts from India, Singapore, Mauritius, Nepal, and Oman.

Organised by Singapore-headquartered Business Excellence & Research Group Pte Ltd (BERG), the summit witnessed deliberations over some of the key aspects and opportunities for healthcare delivery across Asia.

Focussed on “Connected Health & Disruptive Technology” the Icons of Healthcare 2017 exchanged strategies around remote patient monitoring solutions, data management,
personalised solutions, insurance and market entry barriers impacting Innovation.

Leading professionals including Mark Mynhier, Partner PwC, Tirupathi Karthik, CEO Napier Healthcare, Francis Puno, Chairman SE Asia, PCHA, Daryl Arnold, CEO and Founder, Connected Life, Dr. Snehal Patel, CEO and Founder, MyDoc, Dr. Ronald Ling, Co-Founder, Galen Growth Asia, Dr. Zubin Durawalla, Director and Healthcare Lead, PwC SE Asia Consulting, Fredrik Nyberg, CEO, APACMed, Dr. Chong Yoke Sin, Chief, Enterprise Business Group at Starhub and Prof. Joanne Yoong, NUS, shared valuable insights and experiences during their presentations and at the two panel discussions – Managing Population Health – risk and role of innovation and Transforming Care through a consumer driven model.

Commenting on the initiative this year, Vishwesh Iyer, Managing Partner, BERG Singapore said, “The 2nd edition of Icons of Healthcare ( focussed on bringing together Healthcare Providers, platform providers and understanding linkages to Digital Health, vis-a- vis the challenges of Data, Insurance, role of Telcos and rising Healthcare Costs.

Our uniqueness lies in the thought leadership that we provide by collaborating with stakeholders in the medical and healthcare ecosystem for an exchange of ideas and best practices across the countries of South and South-East Asia.”

Following the conference, the 2017 Icons of Healthcare Awards were also presented to bring the professionals and institutions to world stage and celebrate their successes. Divakars Specility Hospital, Bangalore was awarded the Leading Hospital for Women’s Health, followed by Farrer Park Hospital Singapore – Leading Hospital for Cardiovascular Care, Shanti Memorial Hospital, Cuttack – Leading Hospital for Bariatrics, Murli Krishna Pharma, Pune – Leading Healthcare Solutions Provider, Indus Healthcare, Punjab – Leading Tertiary Care Hospital Group.

The Award for Excellence in Medical Tourism was presented to Syed Ahmed, Wide Vision Group Oman; Dr. Dhaval Naik – CIMS Ahmedabad – Excellence in Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Dr. Ashok Arbat – KRIMS Nagpur – Excellence in Pulmonology and Dr. Manish Khaitan - Nobesity Ahmedabad -Excellence in Bariatric Surgery.

Dr. Birendra Kumar Bista from Biratnagar Nepal was felicitated with the Award- Excellence in Neurology, Dr. Chandandeep Sandhu, Mohali- Excellence in Non-Invasive Cardiology, Dr. Sharad Sharma, Mumbai -Excellence in Metabolic Surgery; Dr. Hiren Parikh, Baroda - Excellence in Pulmonology; Ms. Norina Sookmoulla (Mauritius) - Healthcare Woman Icon; Dr. R. Padmakumar, Renai Medicity Kochi- Excellence in Laparoscopy and Dr. H. M. Prasanna, Pristine Hospital, Bangalore - Excellence in Orthopaedic Surgery.

Icons of Healthcare 2017 was backed by PwC Consulting as Knowledge Partner, PCHA and TiE as Industry Partner, Napier Healthcare as the Supporting Partner and Jet Airways as the Travel Partner.

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