Medical technology experts to tackle impact of innovation in shaping patient outcomes | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Singapore

Medical technology experts to tackle impact of innovation in shaping patient outcomes

Find out what else is in store at the Asia Pacific Medtech Forum.

The Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association (APACMed), the only regional trade body for the medical devices, equipment and in vitro diagnostics industry, will host the third annual Asia Pacific MedTech Forum from 7-9 November 2017, at The Star Performing Arts Centre in Singapore.

Under the theme “Transforming Healthcare Through Innovation”, the event will explore the multifaceted approach to innovation within the healthcare ecosystem, and address the need for a collaborative, value-based approach, as the demand for quality care continues to outstrip supply in Asia Pacific.

The two-day conference, which has become the medical technology industry’s most impactful gathering of people and ideas in the region, will bring together industry leaders, hospital CEOs, regulators and policy makers from across the globe.

“This is an exciting time for the MedTech industry as disruptive technologies, from artificial intelligence to 3D printing to mobile health, are profoundly impacting the global healthcare landscape. Moreover, MedTech companies are finding new ways of innovating across the entire healthcare value chain, rethinking business models and delivering care to patients in new, innovative ways”, said Fredrik Nyberg, Chief Executive Officer, APACMed.

At this year’s Forum, industry leaders will shed light on how innovation is profoundly transforming healthcare, presenting both unparalleled opportunities as well as new challenges.

A line up of high level speakers include:
- Dr Yasuhiro Suzuki, Chief Medical & Global Health Officer and Vice-Minister for Health, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), Japan who will address sustainable innovation;
- José (Joe) E. Almeida, Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer, Baxter International, who will share insights on how the industry at large can innovate;
- Michael F. Mahoney, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Boston Scientific;
- Dr Simon Kos, Chief Medical Officer, Microsoft who will discuss mixed reality in health;
- Rahul Khosla, Chairman Max Healthcare, India who will provide insights into leveraging technology innovations for better patient experience.
- Dr Allan Lai, Senior Vice President, ACT Genomics; and Dr Lawrence Wee, Chief Data Scientist, Allianz, will address the future of personalised medicine in Asia;
- Runa Khan, Founder, Secretary and Executive Director, Friendship will discuss how non-profit organizations can innovate to deliver healthcare to remote communities;
- Roberta Lipson, Founder & CEO of United Family Healthcare will provide insights on the transformation of healthcare in the region over the last four decades, using China as an example.

Additional distinguished academic speakers include Professor Gerry George, Dean of Singapore Management University & Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Dr Anurag Mairal, Consulting Associate Professor of Medicine Director, Global Exchange Programme, Stanford Byers Centre for Biodesign, Stanford University.

The two-day programme will be an opportunity to hear more about technological advancements, from frugal innovation in developing markets, to how robotic surgery will revolutionise the operating room.

For more information, including the full programme, speaker list, and link to register, please visit

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